The Chris George Report is my unapologetic blog that shares my specific views and a variety of valuable resources on the subjects of security, business, economics, and global issues. You will also find that I throw in content that I find interesting in other subjects including cooking, travel, and social media.
Let's be blunt here, ok? This is MY blog. You don't have to agree with me on everything, or anything that I write on this blog. I don't have to agree with myself about anything I write on this blog. If I want to be contrary, I can post things I don't agree with here just because I can. So there!
But odds are that if you stick with this blog you will find that there is a surprising amount and quality of information you will learn from it, and you will maybe even get an all-important heads-up about a new virus, a new travel advisory, a new business tool or a new idea that can literally save you or your business from catastrophic disaster.
So go on... learn from my mistakes and from my experiences... so you don't have to do it the hard way. Unless you prefer to learn things the hard way, in which case feel free to document your experiences in your own blog so we can compare notes and bruises.