06 November, 2012

The Big Reveal

So the last few months you may have noticed but I've been pretty quiet on the posting front. There's been a reason for that.

On Friday, October 19th, 2012 my wife and I were blessed with the birth of our brand new baby girl, a first child for both of us. As we came at this later in life than most, and as we both have needs to make sure our child makes it into this world safe and sound, we took a number of precautions to maintain secrecy about the pregnancy right up until the very last minute. We just wanted to make sure that we kept all of our complications to an absolute minimum so we could focus on having the most wonderful experience we could with our first child.

One of the things that meant was that I would keep my head down and focus on other things than drawing attention through this particular blog... so I started a number of highly successful new media exposures in completely other venues and on other subjects as a way to expand my brand but also as a way to protect my family by not drawing attention on my security blog. (There ARE people that don't like us, after all. I'm even related to some of them.)

Today, my wife and daughter are safe, happy and healthy, and I am more grateful than I can say that they are. We have been able to appreciate the well-wishing and support of our friends and close family members while  keeping those that wish us harm at arm's length, and this is a job that I will continue to happily perform for my family for the rest of my life.

My daughter has joined the world at one of the most opportune and oddly one of the most catastrophic times in human history. Global economic recession/depression combined with the ongoing violence of global terrorism and warfare is usually not an environment that one wishes to bring a child into, and my wife and I talked about that a lot before our daughter was born. We also looked at the phenomenal opportunities that our daughter will have that simply were not even possible during our own childhoods, and the future we see for her has unlimited potential.

Last year when our nephew stayed with us we made a point of sharing a philosophy we have about life in general. Knowing that there are some serious dangers in 'the big city' compared to the more town/country life  he grew up in, we used the following expression to sum up our advice to him: Don't be afraid, just be aware. In Manhattan locals have often used a similar adage - they love Central Park, but only a complete moron went there after dark. (Usually a moron who soon learned what being mugged was all about.)

Our family practices that philosophy - nothing stops us from doing what we want to. Nothing. But we make sure we are very much aware of the circumstances in which we do it and we make sure we're ready to handle anything that might arise.

In business the same philosophy is critical. There really is nothing out there that can stop you from achieving your business goals, but there ARE dangers and risks in anything these days. That shouldn't stop you from doing it, but before you leap head first into that new project, make sure you are aware of what you are really getting into and develop some strategies for handling those risks if and when they come up, and you will find your road to success has a lot fewer potholes in it. And you may also find a bright, shining smiley-face looking up to you with the confidence that they know it will all work out in the end, no matter how chaotic it all may seem to you at the time.

As Red Green puts it, "Keep your stick on the ice. We're all in this together."


16 May, 2012

Is Your Social Media Engagement Strategy Where It Needs To Be? http://ow.ly/aWmFg
Top 10 LinkedIn Success Tips for Non-Zombies. http://ow.ly/aXyil
Brand Management/Social Media Mass Distribution Content Submission Deadline Thursday: If you have placed an order for a social media mass distribution this week, then this is a reminder to have all of your copy, art and images submitted before 5pm AZ time on Thursday. Anything that is to be released starting Monday must be submitted no later than Thursday at 5 pm or the copy will not be run until the Monday of the following week. http://ow.ly/i/D5jA
Have you seen our latest article? http://ow.ly/aWmym
What level is your Social Media Engagement Strategy at? New blog. http://ow.ly/aWmwt

14 May, 2012

Our weekly blog about 5 Social Media Sites YOU should be using http://ow.ly/aSVyo
We have submitted our first few courses for our HourTrain launch to our online distribution partners and are waiting for approval to start promoting them or to make any last minute adjustments, so stay tuned for the big international launch announcement!
Have you seen this week's 'Are You Using These 5 Social Media Sites Yet?' http://ow.ly/aSVlu
If someone could reach into your business and simplify ONE business process for you, what would that be, and how much could it help you?

13 May, 2012

When you think of all the time you spend in your business, what's the ONE task that eats up most of your day?
This week's installment of '5 Social Media Sites You Should Be Using'. http://ow.ly/aSUj2

10 May, 2012

The most important news story for business and the economy of the last 30 years, and the unexpected launch of the Reyactive Round Up video series.

09 May, 2012

“I am the world’s worst salesman, therefore, I must make it easy for people to buy.” F. W. Woolworth. How are you making it easier for your customers to buy from you? http://ow.ly/i/CioD

07 May, 2012

Have you used these 5 social media yet this week? http://ow.ly/aJMSk
HourTrain is launching tonight? Are you on board yet?
5 Social Media Sites YOU should be using... http://ow.ly/aJMEb

03 May, 2012

If you're designing websites, apps, or software on the old idea that computers will catch up, this article proves you dead wrong. http://ow.ly/aFwV6
If you're only talking to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, you're only talking to 1% of all social media traffic out there.
What do you know about the digital real estate market for your brand?

02 May, 2012

The average social media site listed on Traffikd has about 2 million members or more. Why would you NOT want to talk to them? http://ow.ly/aDSK2
If the average radio show has about 35,000 listeners and it makes sense to advertise to them, what is the value of YOUR social networks?
We have identified over 1800 social media sites in existence right now. Do you control your brand on them currently? If not, who does?

01 May, 2012

Test YOUR Social Media Smarts! How many of these sites do you know about?http://ow.ly/aDVYQ

09 March, 2012

Poll question: Should Coke and Pepsi be forced to change their recipes? http://linkd.in/xbJYqk News story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-17308181