It's been a LOOONG time since I've posted to this blog, and contrary to my last post in 2016, I didn't follow up here with a ton of new content as I had planned, and it turns out there were a lot of good reasons for it.
Firstly, I got sick. I mean really, really sick. Like messed up for months sick.
Then I noticed something about the content I was forcing myself to write for the previous year or two. It wasn't about security. It wasn't about military or global economics, for the most part.
It wasn't about cyber security, except for something that might crop up from time to time.
It wasn't about applied CI for business, except as it pertained to specific cases or insights.
It had devolved into a general business blog. And that's ok, but it's not what The Chris George Report was meant to be primarily focused on. And that wasn't cool. It wasn't right. And I didn't have any great ideas on how to write a security and CI blog without tackling current issues that had a) become so highly politicized by legions of keyboard warriors and b) actually were doing more harm than good by feeding into the frenzy of predict-observe-respond social PTSD that various acts of terror, international security incidents, cyber security incidents, or other issues as they arose.
In short, I could generate traffic on any of the pertinent subjects, but bluntly it wasn't traffic that I wanted to be engaging with my content on these subjects as it only resulted in more victims rather than a more educated and protected audience. As per the issues of the ever over-cherry-picked Drucker, my blog was not achieving its goals. And that was a problem for me, a BIG problem.
So big a problem that I abandoned this blog for the last several years as I really didn't know what to do with it that would help the public, not the bad guys.
I'm not sure that I have the answers figured out yet, at least not in full.
What I can say is that there will definitely be some changes coming to the blog, and of course a bunch of new content on a regular basis. After all, I've had a couple of years of very interesting stuff to discuss for starters. I'm not sure yet how it's all going to play out, but at least I can tell you THIS:
I'm not leaving the blog empty for the next couple of years - you'll be hearing from me again, and again, and again. And hopefully I can get the new content focus for this blog figured out sooner rather than later.
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