Those who have been following my blogs will note that the last few months I have been very quiet.
Shortly after my last blog about the world not spinning anymore, the world instead erupted with volcano-like qualities.
Life has NOT been boring.
Work in the travel industry during the last several weeks has been a nearly Herculean feat, trying to reaccommodate hundreds of thousands of global travelers affected by horrific weather, massive extra holiday traffic, flooding at major airports, new security issues and regulations, enhanced screenings and extraordinary lines – it’s been a zoo with a LOT of extra hours.
Christmas itself was an unqualified disaster – I’m not sure how I could have screwed it up more, looking back at it now. It started off with exhaustion so bad that I seriously considered going to the hospital just to get some sleep and fluids in me. That led to my system being run down to the point of developing laryngitis and a flare up of whatever bug it was I had this past fall. And I still have some of those effects lingering today where my breathing is somewhat restricted with even the slightest exertion.
I spent most of Christmas bouncing through it doing my best to stay conscious, let alone paying any attention to my family or respect to the holiday that was being observed.
Those are still just excuses though as I had a responsibility to my family (Tracey and my mother) to handle it better, plan for it better, and treat the holiday and them with more respect.
That’s the bulk of the bad news in a nutshell. There’s more in the aftermath of Christmas, but that’s just an extension of the original problems.
The good news is every bit as momentous.
I’m very close to making an announcement regarding a change to my work environment. I don’t want to jinx anything, but there are a number of opportunities that I’m looking at and that stand a good chance of becoming offers. I’m not letting up my foot off the gas though… this year I’m making a serious change, and it will happen sooner rather than later. I still have a Race to finish. :)
In fact I've already started to make a change in some ways. I have a new contract position with a training company that looks like it will fill in some down time with much needed revenue and networking opportunities.
My art projects are taking some shape and getting some acclaim. The two shows last year have showed that my gem-media trees are very popular and I will soon be adding a new line of gem-media fish that I'll show off in my next show in February.
My 3-D floral works are slow to materialize but I expect to have a spectacular field of 3-D flowers painted some time this spring.
I’m now working with a couple of other artists to bring regular art events to the greater Phoenix area – we’re going to add a whole slough of special new art features and special events that you *really* won’t want to miss. I don’t want to give anything away but I have about 6 special events that will *REALLY* rock Phoenix and I can’t wait ‘til I can release the details.
I’m still working on my websites too. The master site is going to rock out some time this spring. You’re going to be amazed by what you’ll be able to see and do once I get it rolled out. For instance, you’ll be able to….oh…no…mustn’t…tell… you… the … secret…yet…
My books are still being re-written for the umpteenth hundredth time. Call me a perfectionist, I can take it. But this year really is going to be different as I have a whole new network of people I’m working with to get them finished, produced, published and distributed, along with a kick-ass speaking tour to go with their release.
Just so you don’t worry though, I will also be releasing a few white papers this year as well. They can be released much more easily and you’ll get your hands on some cutting edge info, tools, and analysis that you’ll *wish* you had had before. The business world is in for some earth-shaking news when I let those out of the bag, and you will have the first kick at that breaking news when it comes out.
My new games are still in development – again, I want to make sure they aren’t just good, I want to make sure they reinvent the industry. Those of you who know me, you know I’m bringing the “boom” to games – whole new ideas in magic, skills, weaponry, plot-lining, character development, advancement, world view, monsters, traps, religion… the whole concept of gaming is going to be bounced on its’ ear when I’m through. Since I put them back into development their release is obviously delayed, but I’m so confident that the product is getting better and better that I know you’ll be thrilled with it when I’m done.
I have a start on a release for my Necromancer Bob series, and I have a whole other series that I'm starting to hash out the details for this week. You will probably see one or the other unleashed by the end of the year.
I'm working with some friends of mine in music and comedy as well as a few in video production to launch a couple of special live entertainment events for Phoenix as well, which will probably get some media coverage and maybe a little national and international exposure. Maybe I'll share those details with you soon too. Maybe. We'll see.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so keep posted and I’ll try to keep up and keep pushing the limits of what I can accomplish.
2010’s going to be fun.
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