16 June, 2009

Race to 2010 - What's in it for You.

Race to 2010 – The Upside.

So you want to be a millionaire, right? And that’s not enough upside for you? Ok, ok, ok, I get it. Why, if you’re going to do all the work in the first place, do you need to register for the Millionaires Race to 2010? What do you get out of joining the Race?

Quite a bit, actually.

See, one of the things that is going to really benefit you is the fact that this Race is going to be promoted across all the web networking sites I think will be helpful, drawing thousands of readers to hear about the competition, the participants, how we’re doing, the progress we’re making, our trials and foibles, what’s working for us, and what’s holding us back. Your stories will be motivational for many, humorous to some, and saddening to others, but at the end of the day you will be presented to thousands of loyal interested readers day after day for an entire year. Some of our participants will be part of our periodic video blogs and webcasts, many others will be interviewed on air for our podcasts, and as attention is raised for this, we’re going to gain exposure on TV and radio stations across the continent, and perhaps even around the world.

And unlike normal media, this one is talking to only those interested enough to keep tabs on a purely voluntary basis – the readers choose to be a part of your adventures. They’ll choose to talk about you with their friends. They’ll choose to follow your successes for years to come. They’ll choose to support you to reaching your goal.

What you’re gaining by being a part of this project, then, is to be part of a Power of Choice project.

You are choosing to work towards your successes in life. They are choosing to support you to achieve your goals. And in the process many, many others benefit by new products, services, and jobs generated throughout the entire economy. This is all about the power of your choice to join the Millionaires’ Race to 2010.

Another thing that’s going to benefit you is the participants-only sites where you will get direct access to helpful resources, tips, other participants’ stories, information and tools from industry and financial management insiders, special research reports on various industries, and much more. Not bad for free, hmm?

And over the next year I and my team, and your fellow registrants will be working at a furious pace to help each other achieve our goals, including finding more things to make this a richer, more fun, more exciting, and more rewarding experience. There may even be some special tools and resources offered by sponsors that become available in the future.

But most importantly this experience is going to build you a network of other successful and talented individuals in a way like no other can. This isn’t reality TV – this is reality unleashed.

Have you ever seen the interviews of those competitors from those reality TV shows who all say they love their fellow competitors and will always keep in touch, friends for life, etc., yadda, yadda, yadda? Compared to being in the crucible of a real make it or break it financial environment for an entire year, these reality TV stars haven’t even tasted the kind of loyalty that’s generated in what we’re doing.

We’re building a stronger generation of financially secure, fiscally savvy, highly networked, employment generating, socially responsible, extraordinarily talented and experienced people from across the continent.

Or you could stand alone and do it your way. Your choice.

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